15th Aug’ 1947 –
A historic day for all Indians. The day when the sacrifices of so many national sung and unsung heroes won. The day we became independent. Our previous generations had many stories to tell about how they were a part of this historic battle of vigor and bravery. A sense of patriotism reflected in every statement they made. With the new generations, it seems even patriotism is reflected either on National festivals and some sports events. Patriotism is a great feeling and an emotion that triggers one’s action to do well for the society and the nation he dwells in. History books are filled with glorious stories of so many martyrs who laid their lives for the country. A close look at all these stories indicates that their patriotism was an important aspect of their day to day life. When the heroes sacrificed their lives with the message that takes care of the free nation, they didn’t expect all of us to go on the border and take charge. Very few of us are blessed with the fortune to be a soldier for the country. For the rest of us, isn’t it our duty that we make our country internally so beautifully strong that the soldier takes double pride in guarding us?
Irresponsible Attitude
I am baffled when I witness instances where teenagers and youth snap by asking “What has the country done for them?” Our governance many have its issues and there is no perfect governance on the face of the Earth. The point is what have we contributed to the nation-building? Does tax paying is all that is needed? No doubt, paying tax is a very responsible step by every taxpayer. Again there are pros and cons to this. We all are too busy in day to day life that we hardly pay any attention to which direction our nation is headed unless there is some havoc or a war-like situation. The sight of the National flags in the garbage next day is a heart-wrenching sight. Can we pause for some time and think about it. Can we include patriotism in our day to day life? Yes, we can.
What change we can bring?

Can we teach our children from childhood that social good habits will contribute to making a great nation? Habits like keeping one’s surroundings clean, making friendships based on humanity and not religion. Helping people around us irrespective of their names and taking small steps for the betterment of the environment. We can’t rely for everything on the government. We have to take our steps because the Government is just not for the people. The government is to the people, for the people, and by the people. And the people are us! We are not the only under attack by enemies on borders but we have enemies within too. Any act which involves damage to the Nation of any kind is to be curbed immediately, this also includes many social practices as well. We need to remember that in the end the nation is made by each of us. The day we all start giving our nation the preference in the day to day task, we become a superpower in true sense!
Very good